FutureScot - Digital Glasgow Event

An excellent day at Futurescot Digital Glasgow event. It was great that STACS had a stand and could help promote Computing Science at such an well known tech event. A huge thank you to the FutureScot team for making that happen.

It was great to see the importance of Computing Science being a common theme throughout the day and being highlighted with questions from the audience, as well as being mentioned in panel discussion with Alisdair Gunn, Claire Gillespie, and Chris Boyland. The importance of Computing Science was further also emphasised in the speeches by Mark Logan and Colin Cook.

“Make Computing Science a peer of other Sciences. Great work being done, but as a country, we aren’t doing great. More work needs to be done here. We’ve got to do better at supporting Computing Science in schools.I would give that effort a 3 out of 10 at the moment and it has to improve.” Mark Logan

“We are committed to teaching Computing Science and entrepreneurship at every level.” Colin Cook.

It was also great to have some teachers at the event, and they all expressed how valuable it was. They left feeling inspired and overwhelmed by the positive response from those wanting to help

Despite the challenges in Computing Science at schools, there is some excellent work being done by amazing individuals. STACS truly believe that all the challenges are entirely solvable, and there are lots of opportunities to push for progress.

We are keen to connect with anyone interested in this space, and as always, happy to help where I can.


Replit withdrawing Teams for Education


Trick and Treat with STACS upskilling tutorials next week